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Prep Sports Board March 3rd

Sports Posts Prep U11 Netball v CLFS



Year 6 played in their last prep netball match against another school on Tuesday against CLFS. It was a glorious afternoon to play netball.

Well done to all the girls who played, you have shown so much progression over the term. We will be starting the Inter-house competitions in the next few weeks.


U8 Netball v Milbourne

Year 3 had a lovely afternoon of netball with Milbourne Lodge on Thursday, showing great skill and progression across the afternoon.

U8 Netball Tournament

Good Luck to the Year 3 girls playing in the SGJS netball tournament tomorrow!

Mrs Purgavie, Head of Prep PE


World Book Day Y3&4 Gymnastics Club this morning!

🤸‍♂️ Working on the IAPS floor routines.

World Book Day Gymnastics Club March 6

Well done gymnastics team!

Click on the images above to watch them in action on our Instagram Reel

Mrs Les Tomlinson, Prep PE Teacher


IAPS Qualifiers

Congratulations to our Year 5 and 6 teams who competed at the IAPS Qualifiers in Bishopsgate this week. They all swam so well – now we wait to see whether any of them have qualified!

Sports Posts Prep Swimming - IAPS Qualifiers - Y6 Team

Inter-House Galas

Year 4

Congratulations to all of the girls in Year 4 who competed in the inter-house gala this year!

Special mention to the winning house – Richard!


Mrs Elaine Jones, Prep Swimming Teacher

Cross Country

U8 – U10 GHS Cross Country Event

Sports Posts Prep - U8-10 Cross Country at GHS

Monday saw the U8-U10 XC teams in action at the GHS annual Spring event.

Well-done to Theia R who finished 2nd over all in the U9 race.

Well done to all our runners, who put in a great run over a challenging Stoke Park course.

Outside School Sporting Success

We love to hear about your daughters’ achievements in sport outside school. Please do share any photos and news with us and we will include it in the Friday Mailing!


Half Marathon

Congratulations to Mrs Purgavie who completed the Roma-Ostia Half Marathon last week.



Lydia medals at Maidenhead MArlins Gala

Congratulations to Lydia M who competed in Maidenhead Marlins gala last weekend and won two bronzes, with new PBs in 50m and 200m front crawl!

Cross Country

Cross Country Medals for Theia

Congratulations to Theia R who took part in the final race of the Border League cross country series with the decider taking place in Reigate last weekend. She was thrilled with her 3rd place finish in the final race. Overall, Theia finished 3rd in the series for the under 9 girls. Her team also defended their trophy and were declared overall winners with the trophy.

Mrs Purgavie, Head of Prep Sport

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Friday MArch 7th 9.00am - 11.30am

New Bus Route

Cobham to Godalming via Guildford

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NEXT Open Event

Friday 7th March, 9.00am - 11.30am