Every week e-safety adviser Alan Mackenzie sends me weekly updates. They are useful teaching resources but also parent guides to keep you up to date with current trends.
Here are a few from this week’s updates:
Snapchat Updated Safety Features
At the end of June Snapchat updated the app with further safety features, including updates to account blocking functionality and enhanced friending safeguards, e.g.:
- Block new friend requests sent from bad actors who were already blocked by the user, but sent from a different account from the same device.
- More frequent reminders about which friends they share their location with on Snap Maps.
- Further pop-up warnings if users add a friend who doesn’t share mutual friends or is not a part of their contacts.
Further details can be found HERE.
Kids, Puberty and Tech
When it comes to children growing up they face unique risks online, and when sexual exploration and technology mix this can be particularly difficult for parents, but those conversations between parents/carers and their children becomes so important.
Thorn have got some excellent information and conversation starters for parent of children of all ages as well as something I really like – some virtual flip-cards for parents of children aged 8-12.
You can find all the information HERE. There are also some discussion guides about a range of issues, such as screen time and online monitoring, making friends online, consent and more. You can find these guides HERE.