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Innovation Space, 7th March , 9:00 AM – 11:30 AM, Car Park 4

Still undecided about your daughter’s school place? If you’re now considering independent education, we invite you to explore what Notre Dame School, Cobham has to offer.

Join us for a special open event in our Innovation Space, where you’ll have the opportunity to discover our unique approach to learning, tour our outstanding facilities, and meet key members of our school community.

This event is designed for families still considering choices for their daughter’s next school and are still exploring new possibilities. Find out how Notre Dame could be the right fit for your daughter’s future.

Register your interest today and take the next step toward an exceptional education.

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visit our
next Open Event

Friday MArch 7th 9.00am - 11.30am

New Bus Route

Cobham to Godalming via Guildford

Visit our
NEXT Open Event

Friday 7th March, 9.00am - 11.30am