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Parent Online Safety Tips March 7th

Alan Mackenzie Online Safety Weekly Update

Every week e-safety adviser Alan Mackenzie sends me weekly updates. They are useful teaching resources but also parent guides to keep you up to date with current trends.

Here are a few tips from this week’s updates:

Making Online Viewing Safer for Children

Parent Online Tips - Making Online Viewing Safer

There is so much amazing content online for children and young people, but as we all know, some of that content isn’t suitable for younger eyes and ears. Much of the most serious and concerning content it being viewed and consumed at home, often in the child’s bedroom. It is vital that parents and carers know there is plenty of help and support available to them, including from organisations such as Internet Matters who have a fantastic advice guide to make online viewing safer for children.

Within this guide there is advice on filters and parental controls, advice about watching and browsing together, screen time and more.

You can access the guide HERE.

Childline – Behind the Screen

Parent Online Advice - Childline Behind The Screen

You’ll no doubt be aware that sexually coerced extortion (blackmail) is on the increase and has been for some time. Behind the Screen is a campaign and free-to-download information pack from Childline for staff, parents and young people into this increasing concern and includes information on language used, impact, how to support it and how you can be supportive.

You can find the pack HERE.

Louise Plummer, Digital Marketing and Social Media Manager

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Friday 7th March, 9.00am - 11.30am