Feeding your children
a healthy, balanced diet
Working with a
specialist in-house caterer

Balanced, Fresh & Wholesome
Did you know...
Our menu changes every week and we base our menus on seasonal produce.
Parents are welcome any day to come and visit to see the range of food on offer and how our service operates.
A copy of the menu is sent to every Senior student each week as a task on Firefly as well as displayed on noticeboards and in the dining room. A copy is also available on Firefly and in the Friday Mailing for all parents.
All students are encouraged to ask for a small, medium or large portion but are always able to ask for more food or come back for seconds.
We add vegetables, lentils and pulses to our sauces and dishes to ensure the girls are eating a balanced diet.
We offer a variety of carbohydrates each week including potatoes, pasta and rice.
We use a specific type of dark chocolate in our recipes to cater for pupils with allergies as it does not contain dairy or soya. It is also suitable for vegans.
We cater for 10 severe allergies, 45 allergies and intolerances and a further 45 religious or other food preferences every day.
We provide breakfast, lunch, supper and snacks for the Nursery children 48 weeks of the year.
We monitor all food that is thrown away on a daily basis to be as environmentally responsible as possible.
We are very aware of the proliferation of eating disorders and are always mindful of the language we use around food – there is no such thing as ‘bad’ food.