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Girls join Reception in the September following their fourth birthday. We are now taking registrations for September 2023 entry into Reception.

Our Admissions Team is ready to help you with any enquiries you may have. Please feel free to contact us at any time if you have any questions by email or telephone 01932 869993.

Visit us

Your first step on the admissions journey is to visit our school. Families find it helpful to attend one of our Open Events and you can visit as many times as you like to get an authentic feel for Notre Dame. Our Summer Prep School Open Event is on Tuesday 20 June. Please register now for your place.

You are also most welcome to arrange for a private meeting and tour with our Prep School Headmistress, Mrs Amélie Morgan, or the Head of Early Years, Ms Melanie Lehman by contacting our Admissions Team on or 01932 869993.

Applying for a place

Following a visit, if you would like to proceed with an application we would ask you to please complete our registration form, which can be downloaded below, and return it to the Admissions Team with a non-refundable registration fee of £150.  

Notre Dame is a selective school and wherever possible we do like to meet all of our prospective children. Following registration, Reception children will be invited in for a short morning Taster Session prior to offers being made. This is very relaxed and fun, and includes informal and low key observation through play.

Overseas candidates

For overseas applicants, we are able to arrange for assessments to be carried out in a child’s existing school.

* Reception registrations are welcome at any time of year. As our main entry point is September, we suggest a March closing date for those needing offers by Easter. Applications received after this date are still most welcome and any offers will be made from April onwards, subject to spaces being available.

We Offer Exclusive Visits
To Suit Your Family

visit our
next Open Event

Friday MArch 7th 9.00am - 11.30am

New Bus Route

Cobham to Godalming via Guildford

Visit our
NEXT Open Event

Friday 7th March, 9.00am - 11.30am