All candidates, internal and external, are invited to apply for one or more scholarships at Notre Dame School. Academic, art, music, drama and sports scholarships are available at 11+ (Year 7), 13+ (Year 9) and 16+ (Sixth Form). There are a limited number of these scholarships available and they are awarded to those students who excel in their chosen subject areas. Scholars must also positively contribute to life at Notre Dame, providing a role model to younger students.
Please note: all external applicants must be registered on our online admissions system.
11+ Scholarships (Year 7)
For Entry in September 2025.
Candidates are now invited to apply for Year 7 (11+) academic, art, drama, music and sports scholarships before 31st October 2024. Scholarships awarded in Year 7 (11+) are tenable until the end of Year 11. Students may apply for more than one scholarship.
Information on our academic, art, drama, music and sports scholarships are detailed below and in the downloadable booklet. All candidates, internal and external, are welcome to apply and should review the application criteria listed with each subject.
To find out more about the requirements, please see the relevant information below, download our information document or contact the Admissions Team,, 01932 869993.
11+ Academic scholarship application criteria
External candidates – applying to join Year 7
All candidates who sit the 11+ exam are automatically considered for an academic scholarship. If your daughter is offered a place, parents are also notified if she is successful in gaining an academic scholarship. External candidates do not pay any additional fees to be considered for a scholarship (this is included in the registration fee).
Internal candidates – Year 6 students
Our Year 6 parents will apply for their daughter to sit the 11+ exam and students will join our external candidates on exam day. There is an assessment fee to sit the academic scholarship.
11+ Art Scholarship supporting Evidence
- The digital portfolio could include paintings, drawings, collage, print-making, textiles, photographs and other craft samples.
- The work can include art ideas produced at home as well and at school.
- The work should demonstrate the candidate’s knowledge of observational drawing, painting and design ideas.
- It should also demonstrate the use of colour and ability to work with a variety of materials.
- Sculptures and other 3D work must be photographed and presented as part of the digital portfolio.
11+ Drama Scholarship supporting Evidence
- A list of drama activities and productions in which the candidate has participated.
- Any LAMDA/Guildhall/Festival comments sheets, if applicable.
- A short review written by the candidate of no more than 500 words evaluating a drama production they have seen. This will form the basis for an informal discussion.
11+ Music Scholarship supporting Evidence
- perform two contrasting solo pieces on her FIRST instrument.
- perform a solo on her SECOND instrument/voice, if more than one instrument.
- undertake some simple aural tests.
- provide information on her level of skill (for example, grade exams) and involvement in music in or out of school.
11+ Sport Scholarship supporting Evidence
Sport Scholarships are awarded to students with a proven high level of sporting ability and potential. Candidates are expected to offer at least one sport to a high standard. Candidates must also demonstrate flair for acquiring new skills as well as a passion and commitment to sport in general. It is expected that sport scholars will play a full role in the sporting life of the school.
All candidates must submit a written record of their sporting achievements including scanned or photos of awards and certificates, and photos of any cups or medals received. Please do not submit cups, medals, or original certificates or awards.
The written record could include:- how long the candidate has been participating in her chosen sport or sports.
- school/club/county or national participation and level courses attended, awards gained (along with awarding body/level/year achieved)
- details of positions of responsibility (e.g. captain)
- references from sports club coaches
- candidate’s aspirations
- candidate’s other interests, sporting or otherwise, in and out of school
- any other relevant information to support the candidate’s application.

13+ Scholarships (Year 9)
Candidates are invited to apply during Year 8 for 13+ academic, art, drama, music, sport and STEM scholarships.
Students currently in Notre Dame School will be invited separately to submit a scholarship registration form.
Academic, art and design, drama, music, sport and STEM scholarship applications will be assessed following the closing date, and candidates with successful applications will be invited to attend the relevant scholarship assessment day. Please make careful note of any additional supporting evidence that may be required as part of an application.
To find out more about academic, art and design, drama, music, sport and STEM scholarships, please see the relevant information below or contact the Admissions Team,, 01932 869993.
13+ Academic Scholarship information
13+ academic scholarships are awarded based on the results of an online scholarship assessment and written test. The online assessment consists of:
- Mathematics
- English
- Non-Verbal Reasoning
Candidates will be able to draw on a range of skills and experiences from the varied elements they will have learnt already and it is not necessary to prepare for this exam.
What is covered in the assessment? The assessment is an online exam. It is composed of maths, English, and non-verbal reasoning. The maths and English sections are based on the national curriculum. They assess the candidate’s ability to recall what they have been taught and apply this knowledge to solve problems. The non-verbal reasoning section is designed to test the candidate’s academic potential. They assess the ability to solve problems with written or visual information.
The assessment is adaptive: this means that questions will get harder or easier as a candidate moves through the assessment. This ensures that each question is at the right level of difficulty for each candidate. Please note, candidates will not be able to skip or go back to any questions, nor will they be able to change any of their answers.
How long is the assessment? The assessment takes a total of 60 minutes – 20 minutes for Mathematics, 30 minutes for English and 10 minutes for Non-Verbal Reasoning. During the assessment, candidates will see a timer on their screen showing them how long they have left for each section. It will be visible but not so large as to distract them from their work. Candidates eligible for extra time will be asked to indicate their entitlement at the point of application. Where extra time is approved for a candidate, the additional time will be automatically added to the timer visible on their screen for each section of their assessment.
How to prepare for the assessment: we recommend that all students look at the familiarisation materials provided here. The assessment will test the knowledge and skills highlighted in the national curriculum. Candidates will develop these skills as part of their school education, so they will not need any special tuition or intensive practice.
Is the assessment multiple-choice? The majority of questions will be multiple-choice, with only a few questions requiring a student to type a single word or number. There is no extended typing exercise required, so typing ability will not impact results.
What device can be used for the assessment? The assessment can be taken on many different types of devices, including iPads, PCs, laptops, tablets and Chromebooks which will be provided by the school.
What can my child use during the assessment? Candidates will be permitted blank scrap paper and a pencil/pen in all subjects for any working out. Students may not use any other additional materials during any stage of the assessment, e.g. dictionaries, thesauruses, calculators, rulers, mobile phones, etc.
My child is an overseas applicant. Where will they take the assessment? If you would prefer your child to sit the assessment overseas, please contact our Admissions Team to find out how to proceed. Candidates who are living overseas may take the assessment under exam conditions at their current school or at a test centre.
13+ Art and Design Scholarship supporting Evidence
We are seeking scholars who have strong observational drawing skills, a creative flair and a genuine passion for the visual arts.
In order to demonstrate this, candidates are requested to submit a digital portfolio and undertake a practical assessment.
Supporting evidence – digital portfolio submission: candidates are requested to submit a digital portfolio of creative work, up to 10 slides, which they have completed unaided. It is expected that candidates will use work created at school as well as at home within the submission. The portfolio of work could include some of the following:
- Drawings from direct observation, (not from pictures), some that are shaded and some using line only. They can be completed with a variety of materials such as: pencils, charcoal, fine-liner, or colour pencils.
- Copies of paintings that the candidate admires, using any materials which they feel are suitable. Candidates can also include any other painting they have completed, or other artwork such as illustrations or designs.
Please ensure all attachments are clearly labelled.
Practical assessment: During the practical assessment candidates will be required to produce an observational drawing within 90 minutes. This will be explained in full on the day. All materials and subject matter will be provided.
13+ Drama Scholarship supporting Evidence
Please see the list below and provide as supporting evidence when applying for a drama scholarship.
- A list of drama activities and productions in which the candidate has participated.
- Any LAMDA/Guildhall/Festival comments sheets, if applicable.
- A short review of no more than 500 words of a live or digital/online/streamed theatre production they have seen. This will form the basis for an informal discussion.
Auditions: Following an evaluation of all supporting evidence, candidates will also be asked to undertake a short audition. The audition process is informal and relaxed as we want candidates to enjoy the experience and perform at their best.
For the audition, candidates will need to have prepared a short character monologue of no more than two minutes in length and be prepared to participate in a drama workshop.
13+ Music Scholarship supporting Evidence
Accompaniment scores: please submit any scores required for accompaniment . We do not require further submissions such as certificates prior to audition. Applicants may bring their own accompanist if desired, but the Director of Music will gladly play any accompaniments that are required. Performing with backing tracks is permissible and the relevant files must be supplied in advance.
Auditions: all candidates will be invited to audition. The audition process is informal and relaxed, as we want candidates to enjoy the experience and perform at their best. For the audition, each candidate should be prepared to:
- Perform two contrasting solo pieces on her FIRST instrument.
- Perform a solo on her SECOND instrument/voice, if more than one instrument.
- Undertake some simple aural tests.
- Provide information on her level of skill (for example, practical exam grades/music theory) and involvement in music in or out of school.
- Perform unaccompanied or use their submitted accompaniment score.
As part of the audition, the Director of Music will talk to the candidate about her music interests and activities as well as general interests and involvement in school life and outside school.
Candidates awarded a scholarship will be expected to make a strong contribution to the musical life of the school and encouraged to follow the music course to GCSE. All music scholars will be expected to support their musical progress by attending at least two of the many extracurricular choirs and instrumental ensembles that take place at Notre Dame.
13+ Sport Scholarship supporting Evidence
Sports scholarships are awarded to students with a proven high level of sporting ability and potential. Candidates are expected to offer at least one sport to a high standard. Candidates must also demonstrate flair for acquiring new skills as well as a passion and commitment to sport in general.
It is expected that sports scholars will contribute to the sporting life of the school and engage with the sports scholars programme.
Each candidate should submit a written record of their sporting achievements. This is to include scans or photos of awards and certificates, and photos of any cups or medals received. Please do not submit original certificates, awards, cups, or medals.
The written record could include:
- How long the candidate has been participating in her chosen sport or sports.
- School/club/county or national participation.
- Courses attended, awards gained (along with awarding body/level/year achieved).
- Details of positions of responsibility (e.g. captain).
- Candidate’s aspirations.
- Candidate’s other interests, sporting or otherwise, in and out of school.
- Any other relevant information to support the candidate’s application.
Interview: the scholarship assessment will include a 15-minute interview where the candidate will be invited to talk about their sporting achievements as well as considering the evidence from the portfolio.
13+ STEM Scholarship supporting Evidence
We are delighted to announce that from September 2026, we will be offering STEM scholarships to Year 9 students (13+).
STEM scholarships are awarded to students with a proven track record and passion for STEM subjects (Science & Maths).
As STEM scholars, they are expected to represent the School and become STEM ambassadors at various events and activities.
Most importantly, STEM scholars will be strong positive role models for students in the younger years.
Students applying for STEM Scholarships must provide evidence of the following criteria:
- Demonstration of school participation in co-curricular STEM activities
- Letter of application setting out STEM engagement over time (could be from in school activities or outside)
- High attainment in maths and science during Years 7 and 8
- Practical engineering assessment
Successful applicant benefits:
- 10% fee remission
- STEM competitions and masterclasses
- Opportunities to attend STEM trips and in-school events
- Opportunity to assist in leading STEM clubs for younger pupils
- Participation in STEM promotion events both in School and externally
16+ Scholarships (Sixth Form)
Candidates are now invited to apply for Year 12 (16+) academic, art, drama music and sports scholarships before 31st October 2024.
Scholarships awarded in Year 12 are tenable until the end of Year 13.
Students may apply for more than one scholarship.
To find out what is involved in the 16+ academic, art, drama, music, and sport scholarships, please see the relevant information below or contact the Admissions Team,, 01932 869993.
16+ Academic Scholarship information
16+ Art & Design Scholarship supporting Evidence
- The portfolio could include photos of original paintings, drawings, collage, printmaking, textiles, photographs and other craft work.
- The work can include art ideas produced at home, external art classes or current schoolwork.
- The work should demonstrate the candidate’s knowledge of observational drawing, painting and design ideas.
- It should also demonstrate the use of colour and ability to work with a variety of materials.
16+ Drama Scholarship supporting Evidence
Digital submissions for Drama scholarships should include:
- A list of drama activities and productions in which the candidate has participated.
- Any LAMDA/Guildhall/Festival comments sheets, if applicable.
- A short review written by the candidate of no more than 500 words evaluating a drama production they have seen (this will form the basis for their interview).
Candidates will be interviewed by the Head of Drama and the external assessor. The interviewers will explore how the candidates will contribute to School life, as well as their chosen specialism.
Following an evaluation of all submissions, candidates may be invited to audition. This would be informal and relaxed as we want candidates to enjoy the experience and perform at their best.
16+ Music Scholarship supporting Evidence
Candidates who apply for a 16+ music scholarship will complete the online scholarship form and include their accompaniment scores required for their audition. Further submissions such as certificates are not required prior to audition. Students will be asked to perform unaccompanied or use their submitted accompaniment score. For the audition, each candidate should be prepared to:
- Perform two contrasting solo pieces on their FIRST instrument.
- If more than one instrument, perform a solo on their SECOND instrument/voice.
- Undertake some simple aural tests.
- Provide information on their level of skill (for example, grade exams) and involvement in music in or out of School.
Candidates will be interviewed by the Director of Music and the external assessor. The interviewers will explore how the candidates will contribute to School life, as well as their chosen specialism.
All candidates will be invited to audition. This process is informal and relaxed as we want candidates to enjoy the experience and perform at their best. The external assessor will talk to the candidate about music interests and activities, as well as general interests both inside and outside School.
16+ Sport Scholarship supporting Evidence
Candidates applying for a 16+ sport scholarship will complete the online scholarship form and include their supporting evidence. All candidates must submit a written record of their sporting achievements and may include scanned or photographed awards and certificates, as well as details about any cups or medals received. Please do not submit cups, medals, DVDs or original certificates or awards.
The written record could include:
- How long the candidate has been participating in their chosen sport or sports.
- School/club/county or national participation and level.
- Courses attended; awards gained (along with awarding body/level/year achieved).
- Details of positions of responsibility (e.g. captain).
- References from sports club coaches (if applicable).
- Candidate’s aspirations.
- Any other relevant information to support the candidate’s application.
Candidates will be interviewed by the Head of Sport and the external assessor. The interviewers will explore how the candidates will contribute to School life, as well as their chosen specialism.