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Summer Art & Textiles Exhibition

Thursday 13th June 2024
5.30pm - 8.00pm

Join us for a Pimms and a chance to admire the incredible artwork produced by our Year 11 and 13 students! From truly impressive paintings and fascinating sculptures to fantastically creative textiles projects, you’ll be amazed at what they have achieved.

As the event is also for prospective families, we can’t offer you a personal tour on that day but would be happy to arrange one at another time to suit you.

Just email Ros Roberts at and she will arrange it.



The ethos of St Jeanne de Lestonnac encourages us to ‘lend a helping hand’ and nowhere was that more evident that at our most recent Careers Fair, when more than 25 fabulous alumnae – joined by a further 25 parents and other valued supporters – came back to chat to the students about a multitude of fascinating careers from acting and aviation through to surveying and toy design.

We also had an exciting range of STEM careers represented with guest medics, engineers and computer scientists providing essential advice and inspiration.

Sincere thanks to all our stallholders and especially our alumnae, who gave so generously of their time and enthusiasm.


The Montaigne Studio was transformed into a vibrant party venue in January when the Classes of 2023 and 2022 gathered for their traditional ‘Pizza and Prosecco’ Reunion…

Always a popular fixture in the Alumnae calendar, the reunion is a wonderful opportunity for our recent Year 13 leavers to return to school to catch up with their teachers and each other.

Most of the former students in these year groups are in their first or second year at universities the length and breadth of the UK, so there were lots of exciting experiences to share and gossip to catch up on! Those doing a Degree Apprenticeship or using gap years to gain experience shared their valuable impressions of what it’s like to go out into the workplace, and with over a dozen teachers joining the celebration, the girls were also able to seek further informal advice about their studies and possible career options.

We send the classes of 2022 & 2023 – and indeed all our Alumnae – our best wishes for continued success this year and look forward to catching up with them again soon!


A wonderful trip down memory lane – that’s how our alumnae described our Coronation Tea Party last May. Sister Faith Ede, who led the Prep School from 1969-77 and the Senior School from 1987-99, opened the proceedings by saying a special Coronation Prayer for King Charles III before over twenty ‘old girls’ joined the current generation of Notre Dame friends and family to toast the new King and feast on a delicious array of sandwiches, cakes and scones.

Renewing friendships and swapping happy memories was the order of the day for the alumnae, who were particularly pleased to catch up with the Sisters – Sister Anne Bayley, Sister Faith, Sister Anne Gill. Sister Patricia Grady and Sister Maria Quinn. From being former heads of the Prep and Senior Schools, to serving as governors on the various committees, the Sisters have always been a very important part of Notre Dame and taught many of our alumnae who were pupils here from 1937 onwards.

In a moving ceremony, former Head Girls Freda Wallin (1941) and her sister Fran Harryman (1960) stepped up onto the stage to present the newly-elected Head Girl Holly Fletcher and her Deputy, Izabel Woodger, with their lapel badges. It was a special moment for both girls, who presented Freda and Fran with bouquets of flowers in return. Said Fran: “We both enjoyed the tea enormously and felt honoured to be asked to present the badges to the younger generation.”

Huge thanks to the FoND team who organised the tea – it was a wonderful event and all their hard work was very much appreciated by all.


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