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5L Faith and Music Assembly January 31st

5L Faith and Music Assembly

This morning 5L treated us to a superb array of musical performances and readings at their Faith and Music Assembly, on the theme ‘What Can We Learn from The Golden Rule?’

5L Faith and Music Assembly

Well done everyone!

All of the performances and readings were recorded and can be seen by clicking on the Firefly link below.

The next Faith and Music Assembly Dates are:

  • 3H – Friday 21st March
  • 6L – Friday 9th May

Louise Plummer, Digital Marketing & Social Media Manager

Certificates and Medals

Congratulations to the following girls who received their sports medals and certificates for SCARF, Green Book and Maths Awards.


There is always so much to celebrate at Notre Dame!

Louise Plummer, Digital Marketing and Social Media Manager

visit our
next Open Event

Friday MArch 7th 9.00am - 11.30am

New Bus Route

Cobham to Godalming via Guildford

Visit our
NEXT Open Event

Friday 7th March, 9.00am - 11.30am