Gen AI Assembly
The week starting 20th January was pretty busy for the Digital Leaders led by Ms Nield. With an assembly to the Lower and Upper school about GenAI (Generative AI), the Digital Leaders explained the pros and cons of AI and how it works and how it can be used for educational purposes that does not involve your homework! At the end they checked if they students paid attention and did a mini quiz in which some lucky girls won some sweets!
(You can watch the presentation by clicking on the image above)
Bett Show
Continuing their digital streak, the Digital Leaders went to London on the 22nd January to see the Bett Show in the Excel Centre. Along with Mr Whiting, Ms Nield and Ms Willis who accompanied them, the girls had an amazing time visiting many of the stalls and learning about products that use AI and may benefit the school. (Also many freebies were won!)