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European Day of Languages 2024

It was European Day of Languages yesterday and the MFL department arranged with Mandy, our catering manager, and her team, to have a themed menu featuring dishes from different European countries all week.

It’s a fantastic way to bring cultural diversity into our everyday routines and is also a wonderful opportunity to promote languages in our school community. Many of us grew up speaking or learning a second/third.. language, and some of us are currently taking on the challenge of learning a new one. As a community we shared this enthusiasm with our students—whether it’s greeting one another in a different language, sharing our own experiences, or encouraging one another to try learning new words and phrases!

European Lunches of The Week

Huge thanks to Mandy and her team for preparing such a delicious array of European dishes.

Do watch our reel on Instagram (by clicking on the image above) which gives you a ‘flavour’ of what our ND Community enjoyed!

Mrs Lane, Head of French