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Forest School June 21st

Year 1 Forest School June 21

Here are this week’s activities that took place in Forest School!

Please do note that all of the Forest School activities and photos are shared on our EYFS, Year 1 and Year 2 Firefly Pages!

We also tweet lots of lovely photos: 

Wise Owls

Session 1: Wise Owls working their magic in Forest School.

Owls Forest School June 18th

Session 2: Wise Owls group enjoying being in the woodland with many activities accessible to them. They especially enjoyed making bracelets practicing threading and also relaxing with books whilst listening to the birds. Climbing was also enjoyed and going down the mudslide! #somuchfun

Owls Forest School June 20


Reception girls eager to help out around the site developing confidence using secateurs with close supervision. The girls also enjoyed using their creative skills with art work and cooking in the mud kitchen! The tippy-tap was used to wash up afterwards.

Reception Forest School June 19th

Year 1

Year 1 on a woodland discovery enjoying climbing, finding habitats, a honey bee on a bramble flower, developing knot skills to make a trapeze! #patience #proprioception #perfectcreations

Year 1 Forest School June 21

Well done team! #enjoying #theoutdoors #keepingactive #breathingspace #OurGreatOutdoors

Mrs Maltby
Forest School Leader 


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New Bus Route

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Friday 7th March, 9.00am - 11.30am