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French A Level Trip to Reading Blue Coat School

French A Level Trip to Reading

Earlier today, the French A level students from years 12 and 13 were given the wonderful opportunity to attend a French presentation about politics at Reading Blue Coat school. We had a fantastic time learning about the history of politics in contemporary France, and also reconnecting with Miss Claveau, our former teacher, who is currently at that school. It was wonderful to talk to her again after almost 2 years.

It was incredibly interesting to get to know about French politics, which is an important cultural theme which we will later cover in our studies in year 13. The lecturer was a teacher at Reading university, and it was very introspective to have the opportunity to receive this talk. It was also lovely to get to know the students there, and we had a great time chatting to them all.

Sophia, a year 12 French student, added that: “It was such a pleasure to see our former French teacher, Miss Claveau, at her current school. It was great to speak with her sixth form French students and we thoroughly enjoyed listening to the external professor from Reading University telling us about French Politics and history, and of course the lovely French food that came with it!”

French A Level Trip to Reading

Everyone was very friendly, and there was even a lovely spread of French foods for us to try! I absolutely loved the éclairs. The staff there were all very welcoming and the experience was overall very fun and beneficial as well. A big thank you to Madame Warner and Madamoiselle Claveau for organising this trip (and Paul, for driving the minibus!) – it is opportunities like these which really immerse us into learning the language.

Xinyi L, Y12 French A Level Student

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