This week the Church celebrated the feast of St Joseph, spouse of Mary, the Mother of Jesus.
In a sense, not a great deal is known about Joseph’s life. Once Jesus was an adult, engaged in his ministry, Joseph is not mentioned in the bible at all, whereas Mary remained central to Jesus’ life up to and beyond Jesus’ death on the cross and resurrection. One can assume that Joseph had died before Jesus began his ministry.
One reason we do not know more about Joseph is that there is not a single word attributed to him in the bible. His actions speak for him, rather than his words.
Joseph and Mary were betrothed but not yet married when an angel appeared to Joseph in a dream and told him that Mary had conceived by the Holy Spirit. He was not to be afraid to take her as his wife. He would name her baby ‘Jesus’ and would, with Mary, bring Jesus up. There are a small number of other Gospel references to Joseph, at the time of Jesus’ infancy and in one case, early childhood.
What the bible does say about Joseph is all said in relation to Mary and Jesus – it is not about Joseph on his own. Joseph dedicated all of the life we do know about from the bible to serving his family and to serving God. This selflessness and humility is one reason why Joseph is a great role-model.
Joseph also provides a reminder of the value of silence. He heard God speak to him through an angel in the silence of his sleep. In a busy world where we are surrounded by sound – some we choose and some it is difficult to avoid – there is value in seeking spaces of quiet to be alone with our thoughts and to open a door for God to speak into our hearts, as he did into the heart of Joseph.