This week’s assembly was all about a very special religion —Islam and the people who follow it, called Muslims.
Miss Harris explained to the girls that Muslims are people who follow Islam. They believe in one God, who they call Allah. They also have a special book called the Quran, which helps them learn how to be good, kind, and helpful.
Muslims pray to Allah, try to be kind to others, and help people in need. They also have some special times in the year, like Ramadan and Eid, which she talked about in the assembly.
Ramadan is a very special month for Muslims. It is a time when they think about Allah, try to be extra kind, and help people who don’t have enough food or water.
At the end of Ramadan, there is a BIG celebration called Eid al-Fitr! It’s like a special party to say ‘Well done!’ for fasting and being kind all month.
Congratulations to this week’s Stars of the Week
Congratulations to SCARF Certificate winner Lottie and Happy Birthday Annabelle!