In their French lessons, Year 9 designed a background and created interviews in French about leisure activities which they performed in the Innovation Space in front of the Green Screen. The result was both professional and imaginative. Here is a selection of stills from those interviews.
The girls made the following comments about the lesson:
Erin: I thought it was a really fun activity. We got to make the script ourselves and we got to improve our French accents and vocabulary in the process.
Alex: I really enjoyed using the Green Screen as we were able to use our knowledge of the topics we have been learning, and in turn, use it in a conversational setting.
Gianna: This activity was really fun, using the Green Screen in the Innovation Space.
Steph: I found this Green Screen exercise helpful with my French speaking and confidence speaking the language.
Molly: I really enjoyed doing this activity in the Green Screen Room as I found it very different and fun to make up our own scripts and scenes to create our own piece. I found this very exciting as it was something that I never usually get to do.
Tamara: I thought this activity was very fun.
Olivia: I enjoyed making the script and filming it with the Green Screen and would like to do similar things more often.