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Alumnae - Powerful Role Models Jenny Griffiths

Alumnae - Powerful Role Models Patsy Ferran

Powerful role models: Jenny Griffiths MBE and Olivier Award winning actress Patsy Ferran

The Notre Dame Alumnae Network is an extremely valuable resource for our ND6 students, and this week Years 12 and 13 were treated to a presentation on how to make the most of it.

Which university? Which degree? How do Apprenticeships work? What do I want to do with my life? These questions can be overwhelming as our Sixth Form students navigate their way through the important decisions they need to take about their futures. But the good news is that the Notre Dame Alumnae Network is here to help – and during the presentation, Alumnae Manager Ros Roberts explained how current students could access it for help and advice.

The Network comprises a comprehensive database of former students who are the living embodiment of St Jeanne de Lestonnac’s exhortation to ‘stretch out a helping hand’ to the younger generation. From experienced alumnae working in professions like science, medicine, law and finance to young women in their twenties building careers in jobs that weren’t even invented five years ago, the Network offers students a goldmine of wisdom, advice and experience. Role models include software entrepreneur and Oracle AI specialist Jenny Griffiths MBE, Olivier Award winning actress Patsy Ferran, Easyjet pilot Francesca Edwards and ‘Magic Circle’ Lawyer Emma Appleton, and there are many more covering careers from media to marketing and everything in between.

To get in touch with the Alumnae, all the students need to do is email Alumnae Manager Ros Roberts at with their questions, and she will search the database to find an appropriate alumna to help. The database is fully GDPR compliant and of course no contact details are shared without permission.

Within an hour of the presentation, a student had emailed for help on creative careers and Mrs Roberts looks forward to helping many more.

Louise Plummer, Digital Marketing & Social Media Manager

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Friday 7th March, 9.00am - 11.30am