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ND6 Pizza and Prosecco Reunion Party 2025

Our fantastic new Innovation Space was transformed into a vibrant party venue on Monday 6th January when the Class of 2024 gathered for our annual ‘Pizza and Prosecco’ ND6 Reunion.

This year the girls were joined by Alumnae from previous years going back to 2019. Some of them had left long before the new building was planned, and some as it was being built, so for all it was their first visit – and they were very impressed. Headmistress Mrs King made a welcome speech and ran tours of the new facilities, while Head Science and STEM Technician Michael Day demonstrated the new laser cutter by producing commemorative keepsakes in the form of special ND6 Reunion Keyrings. Also joining the celebrations were over dozen teachers, Sister Maria Quinn ODN, a former Senior School Science teacher, and Sister Patricia Grady ODN, who had also taught some of the older alumnae.

With the tours complete, excited chatter filled the room as the alumnae caught up with each other and swapped experiences about uni, degree apprenticeships and gap year travels. Career choices were also on the agenda, with recent leavers able to seek further informal advice from teachers and network with former students who are now out in the working world building exciting careers.

All this, plus delicious canapes supplied by Mandy and her team, copious amounts of pizza, and bubbles to toast the future, certainly made the party a fantastic way to celebrate the start of a new year. We send all our Alumnae our best wishes for continued success in 2025 and look forward to catching up with them again soon.

Ros Roberts, Alumnae Manager

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Friday MArch 7th 9.00am - 11.30am

New Bus Route

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Friday 7th March, 9.00am - 11.30am