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Choose Respect

We have been celebrating Anti-Bullying Week this week. This year’s theme, ‘Choose Respect’, encouraged each pupil to reflect on how they can contribute to a safe and supportive school environment by treating others with kindness and understanding.

Our week included Odd Socks Day on Tuesday. Pupils enjoyed expressing their individuality with odd socks, reinforcing the idea that our differences make us special and that everyone deserves respect.

Odd Socks Day 2024

Throughout the week, pupils engaged in workshops, activities, and discussions that focused on empathy, resilience, and the importance of choosing respectful actions and words. These sessions empowered them to take positive steps to stand up against bullying and celebrate kindness within our school community.

Miss Harris, Head of Y1-3 and Prep PSHEE

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Friday MArch 7th 9.00am - 11.30am

New Bus Route

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Friday 7th March, 9.00am - 11.30am