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Black History Month Project

Black History Month Reclaiming the narrative

This year the theme for Black History Month was ‘Reclaiming Narratives’. By emphasising “Reclaiming Narratives,” we shine a brighter light on stories, allegories, and history.

This theme underscored a commitment to correcting historical inaccuracies and showcasing the untold success stories and the full complexity of Black heritage. It was about taking control of the stories and honouring our heroes while challenging the narratives that have often overlooked the contributions and achievements of Black individuals both in the UK and globally.

At Notre Dame we encouraged students to conduct research into inspirational Black people and to present their information in a really creative way through art, poetry or prose to their History teachers at the end of the month. Many pupils participated and produced some fantastic work. Please find some examples of the really excellent work we received.

Project by Year 8 student Shion C

BHM - Project by Shion in Year 8

Project by Year 8 student Emilia R

BHM Project by Emilia R

Well done girls!

Mrs Ellie Ha, Head of History

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Friday 7th March, 9.00am - 11.30am