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Black History Month Workshops 2024

Year 7 Southern African story-telling workshop

Y7 African Storytelling Workshop - BHM

Year 7 participated in a wonderful workshop which involved the rich story-telling tradition in many southern African cultures which is passed down to younger generations. The students took part in a variety of authentic stories that reflect the cultures and traditions of this beautiful continent. Lucky from Inspire Works delivered four enthralling sessions which the students thoroughly enjoyed. `

Year 8 and ND6 West African Drumming Workshop

Year 8 and ND6 got to enjoy an introduction to the energetic style of West African djembe drumming with Lucky. The djembe drum originates from the Malinke people in West Africa, in particular Senegal, The Gambia, Mali, Ivory Coast, Guinea & Burkina Faso. It has become West Africa’s most popular drum due to its sonorous tonal qualities, hypnotic pulsating sound and the relative simplicity of its playing technique.
In this workshop all the students learnt a flamboyant traditional West African piece of music that is an excellent practical introduction to Malinke music. The piece is learnt aurally, as practised in West Africa, and creates opportunities for participants to improvise solos, respond to aural cues and develop their ensemble playing.


Do check out our Instagram Reel of the workshops in action!

Year 9 South African Gumboot dancing workshop

The students in Year 9 joined Lucky in this unique style of dance which originated in the South African gold mines during the oppressive apartheid laws. As the miners were forbidden to talk to each other during their long spells of work, they used boot slapping as an alternative way to communicate. Outside of the mines this developed into gumboot dancing.

Y9 Gum Boot Dance - BHM

Mrs Ha, Head of History