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Chaplain’s Corner July 12th

Burwood House - Blue Skies

The Old Testament book of the prophet Daniel includes a lengthy and beautiful song, or litany of praise. The essence of the song is to give praise to God for all things and at all times:

All things the Lord has made, bless the Lord:
give glory and eternal praise to him.
Sun and moon! Bless the Lord:
give glory and eternal praise to him.
Stars of heaven! Bless the Lord:
give glory and eternal praise to him.
Showers and dews! Bless the Lord:
give glory and eternal praise to him.
Winds! All bless the Lord:
give glory and eternal praise to him.
Fire and heat! All bless the Lord:
give glory and eternal praise to him.
Frost and cold! Bless the Lord:
give glory and eternal praise to him …

and so the song continues for 38 whole verses (Dan 3:52-90).

Burwood House - Blue Skies
At the end of the school year we are reminded through the prophet Daniel that all things are a gift from God. Our very existence is a gift from God. Our experiences are gifts from God. The ups and the downs of life are all gifts from God. The words from the book of Daniel also remind us of the variety in life: no two days are ever the same and just as within any year there are contrasts of heat and cold, so are there contrasts in our lives – there is happiness and also sometimes sadness, there are sometimes disappointments and also experiences of great joy.
It is within a community, such as our Notre Dame school community, that we are able to manage the challenges and share the joys of life. The heat and the cold we experience together.
Thank you God for all of the blessings of this year. Thank you God for all your abundant gifts. Thank you God for this community of Notre Dame School.

May the Lord keep us safe throughout the summer holidays.

St Jeanne de Lestonnac … pray for us

Mary, mother of God, Notre Dame … pray for us.

God bless,

Mr George, School Chaplain

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