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Chaplain’s Corner November 8th

Remembrance Candles

On Sunday we will observe Remembrance Sunday, and then on Monday, the anniversary of Armistice Day, when we will remember and pray for those who died in conflict, in service of their country.

In the Church this whole month of November is often known as the month of the Holy Souls and is a particular time for praying for those who have died.

Just before half-term I was struck by the wording of a beautiful prayer written by a pupil in Year 4. This was the prayer:

Dear God, bless the people who have died and bless them on their journey to heaven.

This Year 4 pupil has beautifully encapsulated the reason why it is important to pray for those who have died – the journey. It is God’s will that all people will find their home with him in heaven, but for most of us the gap between earth and heaven will be bridged by a journey. Particularly during this month of November, we pray for those who have died, that they may be sped along that journey and may reach the eternal peace of heaven.

Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord,
and may perpetual light rest upon them.
May they rest in peace. Amen.

Mr George, School Chaplain

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