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Chaplain’s Corner September 6th

Prayer is Powerful

Welcome to the new academic year. My prayer for all our pupils, students, families and staff is that this will be a happy and successful year for all.
The second Sunday of September, this coming Sunday, is celebrated as Education Sunday in churches throughout England and Wales. It is a special day of prayer for all pupils and students and for all those who work in and govern schools, nurseries, colleges, universities and other places of learning. How lovely to know that this Sunday people all over this country will be praying for us!

Three of the prayers that will be offered in many churches this weekend are pasted below and provide an invitation for us to join others in prayer this weekend:

We pray for the world and for young people everywhere, especially those who through conflict, poverty or oppression, do not have access to education. May you guide world leaders to recognise education as a source of hope for the future. Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.

We pray for our school and all Catholic schools in our area. We give thanks for the dedication, example and inspiration of school leaders, teachers, and all who contribute to nurturing and supporting children and young people. May our school communities be filled with Jesus’ compassion, love and joy. Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.

We pray for children and young people in our own school. Fill them with hope, courage, and determination to face new and exciting challenges and experiences as we start our new school year. Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.

With prayers for God’s blessing on all, this Education Sunday, this year and always,

Mr George, School Chaplain

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