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Chaplain’s Corner – Sixth Form Reflection Day

ND6 Reflection Day 2025

On Thursday all of our Sixth Form students participated in their annual Reflection Day. We focussed on three key words: hope, generosity and change. For part of our day it was lovely that we were joined by two friends from Cherry Trees, the domestic charity being supported by the school this year.

This year of 2025 is a Jubilee Year in the Church. The concept of ‘Jubilee’ comes from biblical times, when the jubilee was marked by the cancellation of debts and the review of prisoners’ tariffs. You could say that the jubilee restored hope to those who were living with little or no hope. It certainly changed lives.

For this 2025 Jubilee Year Pope Francis has chosen the theme, ‘Pilgrims of Hope’. We are invited to journey together in hope, and to bring hope to others. Hope, coupled with a generosity mindset, results in positive change.

Over the course of the rest of this school year I will be asking every pupil and student about their hopes for themselves and for the world. I will also be asking them what steps they will take to help make those hopes reality. If everyone has hopes, and everyone is willing to be generous, the world will be changed.

Thank you to our Sixth Form students, and our Year 11 students whose Reflection Day was last week, for demonstrating such a mature and genuine commitment to making the world a better place, not just for themselves but for the common good.

Mr George, School Chaplain

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Thursday 13th February, 9.30am - 12pm