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Confident & Empowered: Notre Dame School Celebrates Excellent A Level Results

We are delighted to announce another year of impressive A-Levels results. We are so proud of all our students, and so impressed with the number of students who celebrated all A* and A grades. 42% of all Sixth Form girls gained two or more A*/A grades and 100% of the students passed.

All girls have a confirmed place at their chosen Universities.

Head Girl, Holly Fletcher, achieved 4 A* grades and is looking forward to beginning her degree in Engineering at Murray Edwards College at Cambridge University this autumn. Holly stated, “I am thrilled with my results. It is a happy end to my time at Notre Dame. I am looking forward to seeing what the future holds”.

Mrs Marker, Head of Sixth Form, said: “We are proud of each and every one of our students; their hard work and effort has paid off. We have seen some of these girls begin their journey in Nursery and seeing them graduate as confident and dedicated young women, is a joy. I would like to wish them all the best and look forward to seeing them again at our annual alumni event in January”

Mrs King, Senior School Headmistress added: “I am again delighted with our results this year. I am always thrilled to witness our students’ achievements and celebrate their individual successes. They are leaving Notre Dame as empowered and resilient young people who have learned that it is always right to stretch out a hand to others in kindness and to be willing to accompany others on their life journey. A huge thank you to all the teachers and students, who have all worked so hard and deserve this success today”.

Mrs Nicole Marcangelo, Head of Marketing and Admissions

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Thursday 13th February, 9.30am - 12pm