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Duke of Edinburgh Success and Training 2023

Silver DofE Expedition

We have been very busy with the completion and training of the Silver and Bronze DofE award this month.

Silver D of E Expedition

Silver DofE Expedition

At the beginning of September 15 girls completed their final Canoeing assessment expedition. They did very well to navigate the waterways over three days and two nights, travelling from Lechlade to Oxford. This has meant that they have now completed their Silver awards which consists of Physical, Skill and Volunteering experiences over 6 months as well as the practice and assessment expeditions. Some of the girls are now looking forward to planning their Gold awards.

Bronze D of E Training Day

Bronze DofE Training Day Sep 23

At the end of September we also had the first day of training for the new Year 10 Bronze DofE participants. The girls were learning the skills of route planning, first aid, tent pitching, kit packing  and cooking on open stoves.  Fingers crossed the weather will be as nice for their first expedition and overnight camp in May.

Silver D of E Training Day

Silver DofE Training Day

The new Year 11 Silver group also started their Silver training. Based at Addlestone Canoe club the group started their land and water based training for their Canoeing expedition in April next year.

It has been fantastic to see so many girls enthusiastic to participate on the Duke of Edinburgh award programs and to be outside learning new skills for their expeditions has been brilliant.

Ms Mason

New Bus Route

Cobham to Godalming via Guildford

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NEXT Open Event

Thursday 13th February, 9.30am - 12pm