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Duplo Models Showing Prime Factorisation

Mrs Morris, one of our maths tutors, was part of a group of maths enthusiasts invited to join The Orkney International Science Festival this weekend.
The festival’s plan is to build a Number City out of cardboard boxes, representing the prime factorisation of the numbers up to 128. She was unable to attend, but was inspired to build a Duplo model showing prime factorisation of the numbers up to 100, with each prime number being represented by a different colour brick. This interactive model clearly shows the repeating patterns of each prime factor and will be in H7 next week.

The first photo shows the factor 2 up to 50, and then all factors up to 50.

Number City factor 2 to 50

The second photo shows the prime factorisation up to 100.

duplo model showing prime factorisation to 100

Mrs Morris, Learning Support Tutor

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Friday 7th March, 9.00am - 11.30am