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English Chess Federation Girls’ Competition

Notre Dame Y8 Team at Chess Tournament

Chess Semi-Finals

Three Year 8 students: Emilia D, Laura W and Hannah W, represented Notre Dame at the English Chess Federation Girls’ semi finals at St Catherine’s School, Bramley on Sunday 26th January.

It was a fantastic day where over 100 teams from schools all over the south of England came together to play chess, a new record in terms of the number of girls participating in one event.

They played five matches each, against the clock experiencing both wins and loses and gaining skills in patience, determination, focus, analysis and strategy. It was a first for all of them, a great day, which they are already looking forward to attending next year!

Next year, we can take more teams, so if you are interested in coming, it is time to start practicing!

Mrs Storm Robotham, Senior School Maths Teacher

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