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Farewell from Mrs Marsh

Mrs Marsh - Sports Day Compilation

I just wanted to say farewell to everyone as I finish my teaching career after 32 years at Notre Dame (after two years at Tiffin Girls). I have so many happy memories and I have always regarded it as a privilege to teach PE to motivated girls in a happy and beautiful environment. My hope has always been to help individuals fulfil their potential and establish techniques and disciplines in many sports that stay with them, giving confidence and motivation to keep fit for life. I loved sport from an early age starting as a gymnast; I have been very fortunate to enjoy playing high level netball for over 30 years (Warwickshire, British Universities, Scotland, Surrey, South-East) and after that pursued competitive and social tennis. I have tried to pass on this enthusiasm to all the girls I have taught at ND over the years. Many I come across still talk fondly about their netball tours to the Caribbean islands of Grenada and Tobago.

Mrs Marsh - Grenada Netball Tour

My two daughters were fortunate to be educated at ND Prep and Senior Schools.

It is now my time to pause and take time to appreciate life and nature, give more time to my family and look for other opportunities to volunteer.

I look forward to hearing how you are all getting on in the years to come! I will no doubt be popping back to ND from time to time.

Special thanks to Sister Faith Ede who took me on as Head of PE in 1988!

Mrs Marsh - Sports Day Compilation

As this week would have been our annual Sports Day at Guildford Spectrum, I have gathered some photos from some of the NDSS Sports Days that I have organised. I also came across some memorable Netball trips! My first Netball team in 1989 went on to come third in the South East round of National Schools.

 (click on the collage to see the full gallery on our Flickr channel)

Mrs Heather Marsh

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Friday 7th March, 9.00am - 11.30am