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From Mrs King’s Desk June 28th

Mrs King

Dear Parents

We celebrated our Year 13 Leavers at our Mass and Dinner yesterday evening with a wonderful event for students, parents and staff. In my speech I reminded them as they take their places in the world that Notre Dame will always be here for them, they are always Notre Dame girls and they will always walk in the footsteps of St Jeanne. I know they will do so wisely, they will make thoughtful choices and they will take care of the people they meet on their way. They have learned that it is always right to stretch out a hand to others in kindness and to be willing to accompany others on their life journey. We could not be more proud of them all!

I was sorry to miss sports day (although I was a very proud mum at my daughter’s graduation that day!). I have heard how fantastic it was, and the move to a new venue has proved very successful – so we are now starting the plans for next year’s event. It was wonderful that so many parents were able to attend, and congratulations to all the students taking part. All the sports day results are being collated for Prize Giving and added to the overall House totals for the year – to be announced on the last day of term! House spirit was much in evidence – that is an important part of our community and it enables students to build links across year groups and for older students to mentor and encourage the younger ones. All our Houses are named after people central in St Jeanne’s life – another opportunity for us to reflect on our school ethos.

Wishing our Year 7s off to France next week, and our Gold DoE students undertaking their expedition, a wonderful time, and all of you a great weekend,

Mrs King, Headmistress Senior School

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