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From Mrs King’s Desk June 7th

Anna King

Anna King

Welcome back to everyone after half term. It has been a very quiet week with the whole school in exams – Year 11 and 13 continuing with their GCSEs and A Levels, and the other girls taking internal school assessments  – I am so proud of how the students are managing, especially Year 7 as it is their first time. Year 10 and 12 still have another couple of days of internal exams to go next week, but they are coping superbly! There are lots of wonderful events to look forward to once the exams are over, both in school and out on trips – the rest of this term will fly by!

I was privileged to join other Heads of girls’ schools this morning for our termly regional meeting, which I chair. We are part of the Girls’ Schools Association which is a national group representing the Heads of a diverse range of UK girls’ schools. Part of what GSA does is research, and you may be interested in their report on the proven power of girls’ education: Girls’ School Association (

Wishing you all a lovely weekend

Anna King, Headmistress Senior School

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