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Infant Good Work Assembly February 24th

Infant Good Work Assembly

This week’s assembly was all about World Thinking Day

Infant Assembly - World Thinking Day 2025

Mrs Sargeant explained that World Thinking Day was last Saturday 22nd February. Many Girl Scouts and Girl Guides in the world celebrate on this day.​
This year’s theme is Our Story.

This year, leading up to the 100th anniversary of World Thinking Day in 2026, Girl Guides and Girl Scouts will think about what it means to be a Girl Guide and Girl Scout and how they have changed over the years.​

They played games and raised money to help other Girls Guides and Scouts all over the world. It is a way of feeling part of a huge ‘family’.​

Stars of The Week

Congratulations to this week’s Stars of the Week and SCARF Certificate winners!

Infant Stars of The Week and SCARF Certificates Feb 24

Louise Plummer, Digital Marketing and Social Media Manager

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