This week’s assembly was all about the Lunar New Year, which is also known as Chinese New Year
Miss Harris started the assembly by asking if the children had heard of Chinese New Year or had ever been to a Chinese New Year celebration.
Chinese New Year is not only celebrated in China. It is also very popular in other countries, such as Taiwan, Singapore and Malaysia. She asked the girls to have a think about the differences between Chinese New Year celebrations and the New Year celebrations held on 31st December. She also explained that 2025 is the Year of the Snake. In the Chinese Zodiac, the snake symbolises wisdom, intuition and good fortune. She finished by saying:
Lunar New Year reminds us that there is always an opportunity for a fresh start with lots of good things to come.
Stars of The Week
Congratulations to this week’s Stars of the Week and to the SCARF Certificate winner Winnie. Also Happy Birthday Olivia and Harper!