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Parent Online Tips September 13th

Every week e-safety adviser Alan Mackenzie sends me weekly updates. They are useful teaching resources but also parent guides to keep you up to date with current trends. Last night Alan delivered a really powerful talk to our Prep parents at their Information Evening and if you missed it or would like to watch it, please do click on the image below which will redirect you to Firefly.

Alana Mackenzie E-Safety Presentation

Here are a few more tips from this week’s updates:

For Parents – Gaming Tips for Parents of Neurodivergent Children.

Gaming Tips for PArents of Neurodivergent Children

Internet Matters have released another really useful guide, this time it’s all about online gaming safety tips for parents and carers of neurodivergent children. It’s a simple 5-page guide covering the research, example games, some of the challenges which parents face and the all-important benefits.

It’s a great little guide which you can download HERE.

For Parents – The ABC Online safety Checklist.

The ABC Online Safety Checklist

Internet Matters have done it again, this time with a really simple guide for parents using Activate, Balance and Check.

(image copyright: Internet Matters)

The ABC’s are broken down by age to make this as simple as possible for parents: all ages, under 5’s, 6-10, 11-13 and 14+. Definitely worth sharing with your parents and I’ll definitely be using it in my parent training sessions.

You can download the guide HERE.



Louise Plummer, Digital Marketing and Social Media Manager

Report - Social Media and Mental Health

Social MEdia and Mental Health

There are a lot of concerns about the use of social media and its effects on mental health and wellbeing. Quite frankly the science is all over the place, there’s no clear picture. But what is good to see is a study that asks young people for their opinions.

A Double-Edged Sword is a 2024 study from Hopelab looking at the benefits and risks shared by 1,274 young people aged 14-22. Some of the key findings are:

  • Depressive symptoms among young people are down from pandemic highs, but still high.
  • Many young people encounter negative attack on identity and body shaming comments on social media, as well as identity-affirming and body-positive comments.
  • Social media is a double-edged sword for LGBTQ+ youth, offering both important opportunities for support, but greater exposure to harassment.

It’s a very interesting report which you can download HERE.

Mrs Plummer, Prep ICT Coordinator

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