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Prep Assembly September 6th

Prep Assembly Sep 6th

Prep Assembly Sep 6th

This morning Mrs Morgan welcomed all of the Prep pupils into the Chapel for our first assembly of this academic year!

The theme for this morning’s assembly was all about shoes!

Mrs Morgan began by showing the girls 2 pairs of shoes – her son’s first pair and her son’s shoes which he wears today having graduated and started his first job!

Mrs Morgan - Shoes Assembly

She referred to all of the different shoes which we may wear throughout the year and what we would be doing and how we would be acting in those shoes, from sport to dance, to school work to acting to holidays.

We will have so many opportunities to wear different shoes and the Focus for this term is ‘Embracing all Opportunities!

Prep Assembly Sep 6th

Mrs Morgan reminded us that whatever pair of shoes we wear we must remember the ethos of our school in all that we do…

Prep Assembly September 6th


Certificates and Medals

Congratulations to the following who received their certificates and medals for dance, music and maths!

Dance Medals and Certificates

Music and Maths Certificates

A special mention to Chloe who will be performing Eugene Onegin with the Royal Ballet at the Royal opera House next week!

Chloe PLP - Dance NEws

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Friday 7th March, 9.00am - 11.30am