World Book Day takes place on Thursday 6th March, and we hope you’ll join us to celebrate! The theme this year is

We will have lots of fun activities taking place throughout the day!
Dress Up as a Book Character
We are inviting children to dress up this World Book Day as a character from their favourite book. It is an exciting way for children to get book recommendations from each other. We encourage you to use things you already have at home to make a creative costume.
Reception to Year 3 Competition:
During half term, Children can create a collage / picture based on their favourite book. Please ensure that your child’s name, class and title of the book is written on the back of their entry.

Year 4 – 6 Competition:
Create a story in a jar! Children are invited to recreate their favourite storybook in a jar! Jars need to be labelled with the child’s name, class and title of the story.
Entries for both competitions must be brought to school before 28th February.

There are lots of prizes to be won!! Prizes will be awarded during the World Book Day Assembly.
World Book Day Books
Book vouchers have been sent home today!
Use your £1/€1.50 World Book Day book token to get a FREE book! Getting a free £1/€1.50 book for your child is easy – simply take your £1/€1.50 book token to your nearest bookseller and swap it for a World Book Day £1/€1.50 book OR get £1/€1.50 off any book or audiobook costing £2.99/€3.99 or more. You can find your nearest bookseller at worldbookday.com/participating-retailers
This Week Show Junior Podcast

The Week Junior Show takes you behind the scenes of the award-winning magazine for 8 to 14-year-olds. Each week, Bex from Fun Kids is joined by members of The Week Junior team to discuss their favourite stories, debate the week’s hot topic and discover whether the ‘Real or Rubbish?’ report is fake news or the real deal.
Find out more about The Week Junior at theweekjunior.co.uk
The Week Junior Show podcast – Fun Kids – the UK’s children’s radio station
Book Fair

Our next book fair is taking place on Friday 14th March 2025.