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Prep Library Board June 28th

Imogen and Mae at Barnes Literacy Festival

Barnes Literacy Festival

Imogen and Mae had a fantastic time at Barnes Literacy Festival last weekend! A.F Steadman held an all about me quiz. Their favourite part of her session was helping A.F Steadman to create a name for a new unicorn which will feature in her next book!

Creative skills were put to the test when Olaf Falafel, author, illustrator, stand-up comedian, football coach and Father held a draw with me session! The girls drew a bird dog – a birds head and wings and the body of a sausage dog! The emotions version of pass the parcel was fun with Olaf singing to people when they opened the parcel to reveal an emotion! They loved his cheese challenge! Olaf tossed a slice of cheese onto a book and read each word that was exposed through the holes in the cheese, there were lots of giggles!
Olaf writes and illustrates children’s books including Blobfish and the Trixie Pickle Art Avenger series.

Blob Fish by Olaf Olaf Falafel - Trixie Pickle Art Avenger Series

The girls had a fabulous day and are planning to go again next year!


Story Dice

Dorthe and Amelie have been writing their own stories at Library Club with ideas generated using story dice!


A big thank you from Year 1

Vera and Leah, Year 12, have been joining the Year 1 in the Library. Year 1 have been very enthusiastic about getting to know the older girls and spending this quality time with them. The Year 1’s have read their reading books to them!
Thank you again!

Prep Library - Year 1 Thanks Year 12

7 Tips for keeping children reading through the summer holidays

With the Summer Holidays fast approaching, the Reader Teacher, Scott Evans has shared ideas to keep children reading during the summer holidays.
1. Join your local library’s Summer Reading Challenge
2. Dive into Summer-themed books
3. Organise outdoor reading adventures
4. Incorporate reading into holiday travels
5. Explore events and festivals
6. Ask family and friends to send postcards to your children
7. Don’t panic!
Click here to read the full article:
7 tips for keeping children reading through the summer holidays | BookTrust

7 Tips for Keeping Chidlren Reading Through The Summer Holidays

Calling all books!

Please could all library books be returned to the library week commencing 7th July.

Pile of Books

Mrs Kewley, Prep Librarian

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