Welcome Back To The Library!
It was lovely welcoming the children to their first library lessons of the year! There has been lots of chatter about what books have been read during the holidays. It is wonderful to hear girls recommending books to each other . . .my shopping list of books to add to our library collection is growing!
The Butterflies enjoyed exploring the library and had their first story time!
The Wise Owls loved choosing their first library books to take home!
Celebrations of Roald Dahl Day lasted all week! There were Roald Dahl theme Library Clubs, facts about Roald Dahl were shared in form time.
Chatterbooks Club had a busy start with the girls’ books that they enjoyed and writing recommendations for others. They set to work and planned the celebrations for Roald Dahl Day!
Chatterbooks organised a Roald Dahl theme scavenger hunt at morning break, this morning!