Welcome back to the Summer Term!
It was fantastic to see that so many of our prep sports stars ran in the Mini London Marathon during the Easter holidays!
London Marathon and Mini Marathon
Huge congratulations to all of our fabulous runners who completed the London Marathon Last weekend!
TCS Mini London Marathon
Outside School Sporting Success
We love to hear about your daughters’ achievements in sport outside school. Please do share any photos and news with us and we will include it in the Friday Mailing! (email lplummer@notredame.co.uk)
Congratulations Mrs Tomlinson!
Huge congratulations to Mrs Tomlinson and her team, The Old Georgians O35s who won 4-0 last weekend at Plymouth and are now through to the Over 35 Cup Final at Lee Valley Stadium on 4th May!
Go Mrs T – #leadingbyexample
Mrs Tomlinson
Acting Head of Prep PE
Please do check SOCS for the Spring Term fixtures and events.
(you should have been sent your password from the school office)