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Prep Sports Board Feb 5th

Lucy and Ellie - Furthest Distance Run

Lucy and Ellie D

Lucy and Ellie - Furthest Distance Run

A huge well done to sisters Lucy and Ellie D who alongside their family, completed their January challenge of running 100km. I am so proud of both girls who have stayed motivated throughout the month of January to achieve their goal.

Well done girls and good luck with your Speedy February challenge.

House point totals 

Prep House Points Feb 5th

1km Competition 

Well done to all the girls who submitted their 1km times for our ERPSSA competition and by doing so gained 50HP for their house. You have until Sunday night to run your 1km and send me your time, if you would like to enter, we currently have 27 entries.  

Class v Class competition 

This week and next week all the girls from Year 2-6 will be taking part in class and year group competitions against other classes or year groups. Results of the winners will be announced in next weeks assembly. 

The girls so far have focused on Balancing, Target throw as well as throwing a tea bag into a cup in the fastest time. 

Captains’ Challenges

After half term Lucy and Ella, Phoebe and Michelle our swimming and games captains will be asking you, if you can beat them at their own challenges. They will set 1 challenge a week and if you beat their attempt you will earn precious HP. I will send more details out next week 

House Captains will be next in setting challenges.. watch this space.

IAPS Challenges​​ – Keeping Active

Keeping Active Challenge Feb 5th

Well done to all those girls and families who are keeping active during this time, by doing something active every day. I really want to hear about everything you have been doing, so please keep sending Mrs Purgavie you photos.

IAPS Week 5 Activities

IAPS Stay Active Challenge Week 5

Make sure you do a light warm up before completing each daily activity, we don’t want any injuries. If you are unsure what an exercise is, pop it into google to see a demonstration. Don’t worry if you can’t do an activity, just do as much or as little as you can and want to! Most importantly HAVE FUN!

Mrs Purgavie

New Bus Route

Cobham to Godalming via Guildford

Visit our
NEXT Open Event

Thursday 13th February, 9.30am - 12pm