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Prep Sports Board Jan 29th

IAPS Challenges​​ – Keeping Active

Well done to all those girls and families who are keeping active during this time, by doing something active every day. I really want to hear about everything you have been doing, so please keep sending Mrs Purgavie you photos.

Keeping Active Week 3

IAPS Week 4 Activities

IAPS  Staying Active Week 4 Challenge

1Km Virtual Competition 

Next week is your last week to get your 1km time to Mrs Purgavie, we have 14 entries and It would be great to have a few more. You will get 50HP for your entry, All girls can enter this competition. 

House point totals so far…

Gaston 2994

Jeanne 2459

Michel 3252

Richard 2960

Girls who have earned the most HP this week

Well done to these girls for earning the most HP this week for their houses:

Gaston  – Jia B in Year 4 with a special mention to Ellie in Reception who has been running 1km most mornings and by doing so has earned 100HP for Gaston

Jeanne – Sophia R Year 4

Michel – Ila E- Year 3

Richard– Charlotte S – Year 4

Well done teachers

Well done to all the teachers who took part in Mrs Jones’ aerobics session on Tuesday, earning HP for your house and staying fit. Thank-you to Mrs Jones.

Mrs Purgavie

New Bus Route

Cobham to Godalming via Guildford

Visit our
NEXT Open Event

Thursday 13th February, 9.30am - 12pm