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Prep Sports Board January 10th

Y3 and 4 Gymnastics Club Jan 8

Happy New Year and Welcome Back to a Frosty Spring Term!


Year 3 & 4 Gymnastics Club Cartwheeled into the New Year with a lovely session this week!



We had a chilly start to the Netball Club Season this week. Year 5 and 6 were working on their footwork and ball skills.

Outside School Sporting Success

We love to hear about your daughters’ achievements in sport outside school. Please do share any photos and news with us and we will include it in the Friday Mailing!



New Year Medals for Lydia

Lydia M - Swimming Medals Jan 2025.

Lydia competed in the first event of the year: Kingston Royals, and achieved two 3rd places, in 200m IM, and in 200m front crawl.
She improved some PBs, and is particularly happy with 3:24.36 for 200m individual medley, which is well within the consideration time for Surrey Age group Championships 2025 for 10-11year category!

Mrs Purgavie, Head of Prep Sport

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next Open Event

Friday MArch 7th 9.00am - 11.30am

New Bus Route

Cobham to Godalming via Guildford

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NEXT Open Event

Friday 7th March, 9.00am - 11.30am