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Prep Sports Board January 31st

U10 Netball Team at Rydes Hill Tournament


U10 Rydes Hill Netball Tournament Winners

U10 Netball Team at Rydes Hill Tournament

Last Saturday the U10 girls played in the annual Rydes Hill Netball tournament.
The girls started the tournament off well with a 1-0 win against Tormead. The girls went on to draw 1 and win the other 4 matches, which lead them to winning the tournament!
They all played fantastic netball, working well as a team and showing great skill.

U11 A and B v Rydes Hill

On Tuesday the U11 girls played against Rydes Hill. We had two good matches with the girls showing great development throughout. It’s a good start to our netball season.

U9 Netball v Rowan

U9 Netball Teams v Rowan

Thursday the Year 4 girls played against Rowan school; it was a wonderful afternoon of netball being played on all 5 courts. The ND girls played some fantastic netball, really working on their defending, which we have been focusing on in their lessons.
We won 3 of the 5 matches and the players of the matches were; Miabella, Rosie, Aida, Sienna and Lexi.


Year 3 Inter House Gala

Well done to Richard for winning this annual event! We are so pleased that all of the girls in Year 3 took part and are very proud of them all!


This week the girls worked on 360 turns.

Well done gymnastics team!

Click on this Instagram link to watch them in action

Y3 and 4 Gymnastics Club

Mrs Purgavie, Head of Prep Sport

Outside School Sporting Success

We love to hear about your daughters’ achievements in sport outside school. Please do share any photos and news with us and we will include it in the Friday Mailing!



Lucy P Qualifies for NSEA Final

Congratulations to Lucy P who qualified for the NSEA Final at Addington last weekend coming 3rd and 7th in the 70cm and 80cm Show Jumping at Berkshire College of Agriculture.

Mrs Purgavie, Head of Prep Sport

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Friday MArch 7th 9.00am - 11.30am

New Bus Route

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NEXT Open Event

Friday 7th March, 9.00am - 11.30am