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Prep Sports Board July 12th

Junior Sports Day 2024

Junior Sports Day 2024

An exciting, if a little damp, afternoon for the Junior girls. The Parade was led by the Year 6 House Captains, followed by the Sports Day pledge read by Lily & Sadie.

The events kicked off with the sprint heats being held on the track (due to poor weather conditions) with some outrageous times being achieved.

It was in the field events that the records were being broken. Congratulations to the following for setting new records:

Theia R (Year 3) for long Jump, Ella (Year 5) Javelin, Lydia (Year 5) Long jump, Emily (Year 6) Long Jump.

Well done to Violet T & Erin S for achieving a personal best in High Jump.

Best All Round Athlete (BARA):

Year 3 Theia R, Year 4 Annabelle, Year 5 Lydia and the BARA Cup to Emily Year 6.

Junior House results:

1st Richard

2nd Michel

3rd Jeanne

4th Gaston

The Total House Points for Sports Day 2024.

1st Michel – 2123

2nd Richard – 2091

3rd Jeanne- 1978

4th Gaston- 1935

Congratulations and thank you to all the girls for a brilliant Sports Day and making Memories.

Thank You’s

Sports Day is only as good as the organiser who creates it! Thank you, Mrs Jones, you are a legend.

Thank you to all the Estates team who were setting up gazebos at 7.30am in the pouring rain and generally trying to make sports day an even better day.

Thank you to Mrs Gilhespie for the sound system and Mandy and the girls for keeping us fueled.

Shout out to the Sports Department, who are ace and to Mrs Purgavie for returning in the nick of time.

Until next year, run faster, jump higher, throw longer! 

Mrs Tomlinson, Acting Head of Prep PE

Infant Sports Day 2024

Last Friday 5th July 2024, we held our annual Notre Dame Infant Sports Day.

The day began with our lovely house captains leading the girls onto the field and the games captains delivering the sports day pledge to the competitors, staff, and parents. It had been a wet start to the day, but we were all proud of the girls’ enthusiasm and resilience throughout the morning.

The event was full of personal bests, broken records and most importantly enjoyment!

Congratulations to Gianna (Reception) Zosia (Year 1) & Bella (Year 2) for being named as Little Stars (as selected by the Games Captains). The girls were selected for determination, excellence, and resilience.

The longest ball throw was achieved by Dhriti D (Reception).
Longest ball throw ( Year 1) was achieved by Elsie S and Meadow-Rain G (Year 2) was furthest Javelin.

It is important to mention that all girls performed their middle distance before sports day. Each girl taking part understood the importance of participating and how just this alone added vital house points to the final result of the day. I am so proud of how hard they worked and encouraged each other during this time.

So many girls achieved personal bests. The 200m middle distance record for Year 1 was broken twice! Marina B broke it first with her time then and Nadine N broke it again. Congratulations to you both.

Infant House Results :

1st Michel

2nd Jeanne

3rd Richard

4th Gaston

Infants Sports Day 2024

Mrs Tomlinson, Acting Head of Prep PE

Prep Inter House Biathlon 2024

Blessed with sunshine, this morning the girls from Years 3 – 6 competed in this annual inter-house event.

This saw all girls having the opportunity to earn house points for the last time this academic year.

It was great to see the girls showing resilience and courage to try something for the first time, particularly those in Year 3.

Well done to all those who took part, it was a fantastic way to finish off the schools sports events.

Inter House Biathlon 2024

Equestrian Success For Team ND

Team ND were represented by Lucy P (Prep) and Fran S (Senior) who had a great show at Coombelands last Sunday.

Lucy came 1st in the 70cm and Fran came 2nd.

Lucy then came 2nd in the 70-75cm and Fran came 3rd in the 80-85cm.

Lucy and Fran - Equestrian

We are really keen to recruit new members in September!

Olivia Looker

Outside School Sporting Success

We love to hear about your daughters’ achievements in sport outside school. Please do share any photos and news with us and we will include it in the Friday Mailing!


We would also love to keep our Sports Instagram Account active during the summer holidays so please do send any sports news throughout the summer and we will aim to share it!

Notre Dame Sport (@notredamecobham_sport) • Instagram photos and videos

Mrs Tomlinson, Acting Head of Prep PE

Swim Skl Swimming Lessons Autumn Term 2024

 Mr and Mrs Leather are very grateful that the school has given them 2 more days of hire at Notre Dame for their swim school.
They are now able to offer lessons on Monday, Tuesday, Friday and Sunday morning.
Swim Skl Swimming Lessons

Mr Leather, Sports Assistant

visit our
next Open Event

Friday MArch 7th 9.00am - 11.30am

New Bus Route

Cobham to Godalming via Guildford

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Friday 7th March, 9.00am - 11.30am