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Prep Sports Board March 14th

Sports Posts - Prep U8 Netball Team at SGJS Tournament


U8 Netball Tournament at SGJS

The Year 3 girls had a wonderful netball tournament last Saturday.

We had mixed results of wins, losses and draws. The ND girls played absolutely brilliantly, scoring many goals and working very well as a team.

Mrs Tomlinson and I were very proud of their performance.

U8 and U9 Netball v St Catherine’s

U9 Netball v St Catherine's

The U8 and U9 girls played St Catherine’s at Netball on Monday. The ND team won 2 and lost 1 match. All the girls played great netball, using all the skills and knowledge they have learnt to the best of their ability. They have all shown great progress over the season.

U9 Netball v MHS

On Thursday the U9 girls played MHS at netball, this was their last game of the term. They have all showed great progression in their skills as well as great team work.

We are excited to see how they continue to develop next year.

Mrs Purgavie, Head of Prep PE

Primary School Fitness Games Qualifier

On Friday 7th March we attended the Primary Fitness Games event in Sutton, led by Miss Phillips and Mrs Tomlinson.

It was a wonderful display of our girls’ dedication and teamwork.

Over the past five weeks, our students have worked hard together to build their skills and spirit.

Divided into two teams, they tackled three workouts—an EMOM, an AMRAP, and a chipper workout—with enthusiasm and mutual support.

The girls were just shy of a medal by only 16 reps and earned a very commendable fourth place.

They still have a chance to advance to the semi-finals if they surpass the rep totals in the next round of qualifiers.

We are extremely proud of their efforts, teamwork, and the community spirit they demonstrated, and we look forward to many more achievements in the future.

Miss Clair Phillips, PE Teacher


U9 and U10 – GHS Invitational Gala

Sports Posts Prep - U9 and U10 Swim Teams

Well done to both teams, there were some new PBs.

The final results were:

U9 finished 4th

U10 finished 3rd and received medals.
Sports Posts Prep - U10 Swim Team

Year 5 inter-House Gala

Well done to all of the girls who swam in this annual event. Special congratulations to the winning house – Michel!

Sports Posts ( Prep Y5 inter House Gala

Good Luck

Good Luck this weekend to our swimmers, taking part in the ESSA Primary Schools Qualifier.

Mrs Elaine Jones, Prep Swimming Teacher


U10 Football v Halstead St Andrew’s

The Year 5 girls played HSA in football on Tuesday, it was such an enjoyable afternoon, all girls thoroughly enjoyed themselves.

Outside School Sporting Success

We love to hear about your daughters’ achievements in sport outside school. Please do share any photos and news with us and we will include it in the Friday Mailing!



Mrs Purgavie, Head of Prep Sport

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