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Prep Sports Board May 3rd

ERPSSA Cross Country 2024

ERPSSA Cross Country

We were delighted to host the ERPSSA Cross Country Event at Notre Dame on Saturday. Over 540 children worked really hard in challenging conditions with family supporters cheering them on! It was amazing to watch how hard each and every team member worked. Congratulations to all participants with a special mention to Theia R who came an impressive 3rd in her year group and to the overall teams:

U9 Team placed 3rd

U10 Team placed 4th

U11 Team placed 4th

ERPSSA Cross Country 2024


IAPS Swimming Qualifiers Results

U10 and U11 IAPS Qualifiers Swim Team

The IAPS results came back this week and they confirm that we have qualified for the finals in the following events:

Year 6 Medley Relay – Qualified 12th

Year 5 Freestyle Relay – Qualified 16th

Year 6 Freestyle Relay – Qualified 8th

Lucy B Breaststroke individual – qualified in 18th place

Erin S Freestyle individual – qualified in 1st place

These are fantastic results.

The Finals are on the 8th June. 

Well done to all of our girls who took part in the qualifiers!

Mrs Jones

Prep Swimming Teacher


U11 Triangular Fixture

On Tuesday 30th April, four members of the U11 Tennis team played away at St Teresa’s in a triangular fixture against Amesbury School and St Teresa’s.

U11 Tennis Triangular APril 30

The girls grew in confidence throughout the matches. They varied their serves and used a range of shots, with increasing success.

The girls encouraged and supported each other very positively. Well played girls!

Mrs Peters-Smith

PE Teacher

Outside School Sporting Success

We love to hear about your daughters’ achievements in sport outside school. Please do share any photos and news with us and we will include it in the Friday Mailing! (email

Congratulations Mrs Tomlinson!

Good luck to Mrs Tomlinson in the cup finals this weekend!

Go Mrs T – #leadingbyexample

Les Tomlinson - Hockey Success

Mrs Tomlinson
Acting Head of Prep PE


Please do check SOCS for the Spring Term fixtures and events.

SOCS - sports calendar

(you should have been sent your password from the school office)

visit our
next Open Event

Friday MArch 7th 9.00am - 11.30am

New Bus Route

Cobham to Godalming via Guildford

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NEXT Open Event

Friday 7th March, 9.00am - 11.30am