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Prep Sports Board Nov 13th

Year 5 Inter House Hockey Nov 2020


Year 5 A-D Hockey Matches

Year 5 Inter House Hockey Nov 2020

On Monday 9th November the Year 5 girls took part in an internal hockey match against girls in their year group. It was great to see the girls playing competitive matches again, showing off and using all the skills they have learnt this term. Well done to the Yellow and Non-bib teams who won their matches and well done to all girls who took part.

Year 6 A-F Hockey Matches

On Tuesday 10th November the whole of year 6 took part in internal matches against girls in their year group. It was lovely to see all 60 girls playing in a competitive match, working as a team and applying all the skills we have learnt. Well done to the winning teams and well done to all the girls who played in our internal matches.

Inter House Hockey next week

A reminder to all girls in Year 4-6 that next week during your games sessions we will be running inter house hockey.

Year 5 Monday 16th November

Year 6 Tuesday 17th and Tuesday 24th November

Year 4 Thursday 19th November

Please make sure you have all your hockey kit in school.

Inter House events for the rest of this term

Monday 23rd– Year 5 inter house badminton (in sports hall) NEW***

Monday 30th Nov- Friday 27th November- Inter House Steps Challenge

Monday 7th Dec- Wednesday 9th Dec- Christmas Quiz

Inter House Swimming dates

Tuesday 17th November- Year 3

Thursday 19th November- Year 4

Wednesday 25th November- Year 5

Wednesday 2nd December- Year 6

Weekly Sports Lesson Photo Gallery

Weekly Sports Lesson Gallery Nov 13th

Mrs Purgavie

visit our
next Open Event

Friday MArch 7th 9.00am - 11.30am

New Bus Route

Cobham to Godalming via Guildford

Visit our
NEXT Open Event

Friday 7th March, 9.00am - 11.30am