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Prep Sports Board Nov 20th

Year 6 Swimming Club

Year 4 Inter House Hockey

Y4 Inter House Hockey

Well done to the Yr4 girls who played their inter house hockey tournament this week. Well done to the winning house Richard!

Year 5 Inter house Hockey

Year 5 Inter House Hockey 2020

Well done to all the girls who played for their house in the annual inter house hockey matches on Monday. All the girls played brilliantly and earnt all important house points for their termly total.

Results of the Year 5 competition are;

1st –Richard

2nd– Jeanne

3rd – Gaston

4th – Michel  

Year 6 Plate Inter House Hockey Tournament

Year 6 Plate Inter House Hockey 2020

Half of the year 6’s played in their inter house tournament on Tuesday and how well they did play. We were so impressed with the girl’s skills and understanding of the game. You all did your houses proud.

Results for the Year 6 plate competition are;

1st – Jeanne

2nd– Michel

3rd– Gaston

4th – Richard

Virtual Cross Country event

The Notre Dame girls have been entered into a virtual cross country competition, running either 1.5km or 2.0km as quickly as they can. There are 17 local schools taking part and all results must be submitted by 4th December, when the results will be published.

Well done to all those girls who took part!

IAPS Challenges

Over the past 2 weeks the girls at Notre Dame have been completing challenges as part of the IAPS Virtual XC event. There challenges have been in Hockey, Gymnastics as well as Health and Fitness. Schools from all over the country have taken part and even a school in Kenya has submitted results! The girls have loved taking part and we look forward to the results.

Inter House Steps Challenge

Next week all the girls will be taking part in an inter house steps challenge from Monday- Friday. If the girls have a Fitbit or something similar, they must use this to calculate their steps. If they don’t then they must walk for 1minutes to equal 100 steps. Good luck girls.

Mrs Purgavie

Inter House Swimming Galas

Year 3

Year 3 Inter House Swimming Gala 2020

Well done to Year 3 who swam brilliantly in their inter house swimming gala this week. Special congratulations to Jeanne – the winning house!

Year 4

Year 4 Inter House Swimming Gala 2020

Well done to Year 4 who had an exciting inter-house gala yesterday morning. Special congratulations to Gaston – the winning house!

Year 6

Year 6 Swimming Club

It was lovely to have Year 6 back in the pool at swimming club this week, getting ready for our virtual swimming galas

Mrs Jones

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Friday MArch 7th 9.00am - 11.30am

New Bus Route

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Friday 7th March, 9.00am - 11.30am