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Prep Sports Board November 24th

ND Prep Swim Team v St Ts


U8-U11 Gala v St Teresa’s

Huge congratulations to all team members on their excellent swimming. Final results – Team ND 137 – St T 103!

ND Prep Swim Team v St Ts

Swimming Notice

Verruca Policy

If the verruca is being treated at home with a product like bazuka gel it forms a waterproof barrier and it is then safe for the child to swim.

If the parents prefer, they can wear a verruca sock while the verruca is being treated although some girls find this more difficult to swim in.


.Please check SOCS for the Autumn Term fixtures and events.

SOCS - sports calendar

(you should have been sent your password from the school office)

Outside School Sporting News

We love to hear about your daughters’ achievements in sport outside school. Please do share any photos and news with us and we will include it in the Friday Mailing! (email

Mrs Tomlinson

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Thursday 13th February, 9.30am - 12pm